Pike Fishing at the Loch


Chris and I were fishing at the Loch today, we had what I would consider an OK day with plenty of runs to keep us interested with only the one fish that Chris managed to land, 8.6 lbs, nice fish


The other main interest of the day was an unwelcome pair of visitors

but well done Chris for landing that nice fish, the Loch still produces quality fish, I’m sure there are bigger ones to catch 


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  1. William Dean

    How much is it to fish for pike and is there many in the loch

    1. Stewart

      There are quite a few pike in the loch, though not as many as there used to. I have seen pike up to 18lbs caught, but not for several years. You can obtain annual permit for £30 or a half-year permit for £15. Permits are available from any fishing shop, such as Bert’s in Irvine or Splash in Ardrossan. For secretary details, try the Facebook. link on Page

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